Part2. Setting up a DHCP



DHCP3 (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Server)

The DHCP service by default listens on all network interfaces. It can be restricted to only some interfaces by listing them in:

Ubuntu DHCP安裝與設定

安裝環境Ubuntu 10.04 安裝套件 $ sudo apt-get install dhcp3-server 設定DHCP Server的網卡介面,編輯/etc/default/dhcp3-server檔案:


OB2D預設沒有安裝DHCP服務,所以我們必須手動安裝設定 1)安裝dhcp3-server 套件 user@ob2d:$ sudo apt-get install dhcp3-server 2)修改/etc/default/dhcp3-server

What is the difference between dhcp3-server and isc-dhcp

What is the difference between dhcp3-server and isc-dhcp-server packages in ubuntu 12.04? dhcp.

[ubuntu]安裝DHCP server - 立你斯學習記錄

安裝套件 apt-get install dhcp3-server 編輯/etc/default/dhcp3-server. INTERFACES=eth1 #要發DHCP的網路卡介面,用空白分隔


动态主机配置协议(DHCP) 是一种用于使主机能够从服务器自动分配IP 地址和相关的网络配置的网络协议。 DHCP 服务器分配给DHCP 客户端的IP 地址处于“租用” ...

在Linux 上安裝DHCP 伺服器

在Linux 上安裝DHCP 伺服器 · 安裝isc-dhcp-server# · 設置DHCP Server#. 安裝完成後,我們需要編輯設定檔 ...

dhcp3-server - Community Help Wiki

The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is a network service that enables host computers to be automatically assigned settings from a ...

dhcp3-server : Precise (12.04) : Ubuntu

This is the server from the Internet Software Consortium's implementation of DHCP. For more information, visit

